The 7 Iron!!!

Created by Con & Bev 4 years ago
While playing one day, Andy found a club around one of the green, left by a player, in a 4 ball a couple of holes in front of us. I put the club on his buggy, to save anybody else carrying it. Going down the 6th fairway, we spotted the 4 ball in front of us coming up the 8th fairway, that runs parallel to the 6th in the opposite direction. On seeing them Andy drives over to the group asking them if anyone had left a club around a green. On inspecting their bags, one omits to it being his, so Andy gives him a club out of his bag. Thank you's are given, the player saying that it was lucky as they had played the back 9 first, and would be finishing on the next Hole!. Sometime later on Andy goes to use His 7 iron, only to realise that he had given the other player his own club, and not the found club. When I questioned Andy how it had happened, he says that the other player hadn't noticed. I said that your shafts are Black, and the found club was Bronze! To which he said at I shouldn't have put it on his Buggy!!!. He never got his club back, but being the Gentleman he was, never complained about it I'm raising many glasses to you tonight, Hoping their many golf course in Heaven. God Bless